References | Great Salt Lake Ecosystem Program
Great Salt Lake Ecosystem Project Great Salt Lake Ecosystem Project
Great Salt Lake researchers with birds


Baskin RL. Calculation of area and volume for the south part of Great Salt Lake, Utah. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005–1327. 2005 [accessed 2021 May 5].

Baskin RL. Calculation of area and volume for the south part of Great Salt Lake, Utah. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006–1359. 2006 [accessed 2021 May 5].

Baskin RL. Occurrence and spatial distribution of microbial bioherms in Great Salt Lake, Utah [dissertation]. [Salt Lake City (UT)]: University of Utah; 2014.

Baskin RL, Allen DV. Bathymetric map of the south part of Great Salt Lake, Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2894. 2005 [accessed 2021 May 5].

Baskin RL, Turner J. Bathymetric map of the north part of Great Salt Lake, Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2954. 2006 [accessed 2021 May 5].

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Belovsky GE, Perschon WC. A management case study for a new commercial fishery: brine shrimp harvesting in Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA. Ecological Applications 2019;29(3):e01864.

Belovsky GE, Stephens D, Perschon C, Birdsey P, Paul D, Naftz D, Baskin R, Larson C, Mellison C, Luft J, et al. 2011. The Great Salt Lake Ecosystem (Utah, USA): long term data and a structural equation approach. Ecosphere 2(3):art33. doi:10.1890/ES10-00091.1

Belovsky GE, Perschon C, Larson C, Mellison C, Slade J, Mahon H, Appiah‐Madson H, Luft J, Mosley R, Neill J, et al. Overwinter survival of crustacean diapausing cysts: Brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) in Great Salt Lake, Utah. Limnology and Oceanography. 2019;64(6):2538–2549.

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Caudell JN, Conover MR. Energy content and digestibility of brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) and other prey items of Eared Grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) on the Great Salt Lake. Biological Conservation. 2006;130(2):251–254.

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Conover MR, Caudell JN. Energy budgets for eared grebes on the Great Salt Lake and implications for harvest of brine shrimp. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2009;73(7):1134–1139.

Conover MR, Vest JL. Concentrations of selenium and mercury in eared grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) from Utah's Great Salt Lake, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2009;(28):1319–1323.

Conover MR, Vest JL. Selenium and mercury concentrations in California gulls breeding on the Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2009(28):324–329.

Delahoussaye LM. Eared grebe nesting ecology and chronology along the Great Salt Lake, Utah [master's thesis]. [Logan (UT)]: Utah State University; 2019.

Delahoussaye LM, Conover MR. Habitat selection by nesting eared grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) along Great Salt Lake, Utah. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 2020;132:388–397.

Frank MG. Migratory waterbird ecology at a critical staging area, Great Salt Lake, Utah [dissertation]. [Logan (UT)]: Utah State University; 2016.

Frank MG, Conover MR. Weather and prey availability affect the timing of fall migration of eared grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) from Great Salt Lake. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 2017;129:98–111.

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Gafney JM. Tracking eared grebe (Podiceps nigicollis) migration using fatty acid signature analysis [master's thesis]. [San Diego (CA)]: University of San Diego; 2008.

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Johnson WP, Swanson N, Black B, Rudd A, Carling G, Fernandez DP, Luft J, Van Leeuwen J, Marvin-DiPasquale M. Total-and methyl-mercury concentrations and methylation rates across the freshwater to hypersaline continuum of the Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA. Science of the Total Environment. 2015;511:489–500.

Kanik M, Munro-Ehrlich M, Fernandes-Martins MC, Payne D, Gianoulias K, Keller L, Kubacki A, Lindsay MR, Baxter BK, Vanden Berg MD. Unexpected abundance and diversity of phototrophs in mats from morphologically variable microbialites in Great Salt Lake, Utah. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2020;86:e00165-20.

Kemp BL, Tabish EM, Wolford AJ, Jones DL, Butler JK, Baxter BK. The biogeography of Great Salt Lake halophilic archaea: Testing the hypothesis of avian mechanical carriers. Diversity. 2018;10:124.

Larson CA. Experimental examination of the factors affecting growth and species composition of phytoplankton from Great Salt Lake, Utah [master's thesis]. [Logan (UT)]: Utah State University; 2004.

Larson CA, Belovsky GE. Salinity and nutrients influence species richness and evenness of phytoplankton communities in microcosm experiments from Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA. Journal of Plankton Research. 2013;35(5):1154–1166.

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Naftz DL. Inputs and internal cycling of nitrogen to a causeway influenced, hypersaline lake, Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA: Aquatic Geochemistry. 2017;23(3)199–216.

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Naftz DL, Johnson WP, Freeman ML, Beisner K, Diaz X, Cross VA. Estimation of selenium loads entering the south arm of Great Salt Lake, Utah, from May 2006 through March 2008. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5069; 2009.

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Roberts AJ. Avian diets in a saline ecosystem: Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA. Human–Wildlife Interactions. 2013;7:(1)158–168.

Roberts AJ. Winter Waterbird Ecology on the Great Salt Lake, Utah, and Interactions with Commercial Harvest of Brine Shrimp Cysts. All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 2013;2042.

Roberts AJ, Conover MR. Diet and body mass of ducks in the presence of commercial harvest of brine shrimp cysts in the Great Salt Lake, Utah. Journal of Wildlife Management. 2014;78:1197–1205.

Roberts AJ, Conover MR. Role of benthic substrate in waterfowl distribution on Great Salt Lake. Waterbirds. 2014;37:298–306.

Roberts AJ, Conover MR. Breeding origins of northern shovelers (Anas clypeata) wintering on the Great Salt Lake, Utah. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 2015;127:233–238.

Roberts AJ, Conover MR. Nutrient recycling in the Great Salt Lake. Western North American Naturalist. 2016;76:281–286.

Roberts AJ, Conover MR, Luft J, Neill J. Population fluctuations and distribution of staging eared grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) in North America. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 2013;91:906–913.

Roberts AJ, Conover MR, Fusaro JL. Factors influencing mortality of Eared Grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) during a mass downing. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 2014;126:584–591.

Roberts AJ, Conover MR, Vest JL. Environmental influences on wintering duck abundance and distribution at Great Salt Lake, Utah. Western North American Naturalist. 2016;76:18–26.

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Utah Division of Water Quality. Ecosystem assessment of mercury in the Great Salt Lake, Utah 2008. 2011; Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Vest JL. Winter ecology of waterfowl on the Great Salt Lake, Utah [dissertation]. [Logan (UT)]: Utah State University; 2013.

Vest JL, Conover MR. Food habits of wintering waterfowl on the Great Salt Lake, Utah. Waterbirds 2011;34:40–50.

Vest JL, Conover MR, Perschon C, Luft J, Hall JO. Trace element concentrations in wintering waterfowl from the Great Salt Lake, Utah. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2009;56:302–316.

Waddell B, Cline C, Darnall N, Boeke E, Sohn R. Assessment of contaminants in the wetlands and open waters of the Great Salt Lake, Utah, 1996–2000: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Contaminant Investigations Report R6/C-01-U/09; 2009.

Wotipka SA. Seizing a species: The story of the Great Salt Lake brine shrimp harvest [master's thesis]. [Cambridge (MA)]: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 2014.

Wurtsbaugh WA, Gardberg J, Izdepski C. Biostrome communities and mercury and selenium bioaccumulation in the Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA). Science of the Total Environment. 2011;409: 4425–4434.

Wurtsbaugh W, Richards C, Hodson J, Rasmussen C, Winter C. Biotic and chemical changes along the salinity gradient in Farmington Bay, Great Salt Lake, Utah. Utah State University Watershed Sciences Department Aquatic Practicum Class Report. Report to the Utah Division of Water Quality, Salt Lake City; 2015.

Yoshida AA. Plasma metabolites reveal changes in physiological state of eared grebes (Podiceps nigricollis) during three non-migratory periods [master's thesis]. [San Diego (CA)]: University of San Diego; 2016.

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